Beginners Guide To Build Your Own Workout Routine

Beginners Guide To Build Your Own Workout Routine

Exercise helps you in get into shape if you plan your journey consistently enough. But as cliché as it may sound, getting your routine right is a challenge within itself as there is a long list of factors that needs consideration in order for you to utilize your plan effectively. For instance, a person with a 9-5 office job will face difficulties in doing workouts daily than someone who has a pretty light schedule to follow. Thus, it totally depends upon the lifestyle you follow and the time and effort you can invest daily in your workouts. This is why today I have brought an article that is going to help in creating your own fitness routine. Besides this, I am going to be suggesting tricks and tweaks you can make to your lifestyle, along with a proper nutrition guide. So, without wasting any more time, let’s now head straight to the article.

Importance Of Fitness In Our Life

Most people go to the gym in order to get rid of the excess fat they have accumulated around their bellies. And ironically enough, they are unwilling to step out of their comfort zones. This is why they decide to quit after a short period of time. To stick to a particular routine, you should enjoy it as well. That’s right! Before stepping into the gym, you should have deep knowledge regarding the exercises you are going to be doing.

Exercises are not only great for weight loss or muscle building, but they also protect you from fatal diseases and are great for your mental health as well. Apart from this, exercise promotes your external health as well. However, if you really want to extract benefits out of a workout routine, you should have a sound nutrition plan as your backbone. This would help you in decreasing your overall fat percentage and would strengthen your bones and muscles. You cannot expect any form of results from a workout routine without fixing your diet. I guess weight loss isn’t an easy journey to follow after all, as it requires a great deal of focus on cooking the right things for yourself. But if you want to make things easier for yourself, then keep reading!

Fitness Routine

Step#1: Realize Your Goals

The first step in creating your fitness routine is to realize your goals. Setting up unrealistic goals could be quite demotivating for you later on. Therefore, it is better to move on with one step at a time. For instance, if you are someone who is really obese and stands at a higher body fat % then be ready to invest an overwhelming amount of time in your fitness journey. On the contrary, I would suggest you grab a piece of paper and write your goals. It should be clear in your mind by now whether you should lose weight or add that extra inch to that bicep!

Step#2: Exercises To Lose Weight Or To Gain Muscle

If your gym trainer complicates things too much, then I am afraid that it’s time for you to open your eyes and find a new one. The gym should be a place to enjoy and release the stress that you have exerted on yourself throughout the day. The more you keep things simple, the better it is for your fitness journey. Include exercises that can push you out of your comfort zone and the ones you enjoy doing. If I sum up the entire story, then I would recommend you plan your workouts according to your goals. If you want to lose weight, then add some cardiovascular exercises to your daily routine. Whereas lean guys can opt muscle building exercises along with some compound movements to see instant results!

Step#3: The Number Of Sets And Repetitions Matter

Most people stick to the same old routine of doing 10 reps in one set that they have been doing for ages. What you should understand is that our body is a very smart machine that is really good at adapting to similar situations. Therefore, it is wise for you to keep changing the number of sets and repetitions every now and then. From a beginner’s perspective, it is recommended to keep your range of reps between 8-15 for people who are up for losing weight. While people looking to pack some muscles should focus on hypertrophy, which means keeping the number of reps between 5-8.

Step#4: How Long Should Your Rest Period Be?

It should be clear to you by now that you should have a sound strategy before stepping into the gym. Even the slightest detail can affect your workouts in ways that you couldn’t possibly imagine. This brings my attention to the rest time between sets. The ideal rest time between sets also depends upon your goals. A guy looking forward to losing weight should keep his rest period from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Whereas, if you want to build muscle, then 2 minutes should be enough for you to get those muscles working again.

Step#5: How Much Should You Lift?

Regardless of your goals, you should lift according to your strength and stamina. That’s right! Lifting too light would mean decreasing the intensity of your workout while lifting too much could cause serious injuries, especially if you are not considering your health in the process. Hence, you should adopt an approach between ego lifting and lifting too light. However, don’t shy off from increasing the amount of weight every week, remember! Progressive overload is also necessary!

How To Design Your Nutrition Plan?

You must have seen many experienced trainers emphasizing on nutrition. The reason for their focus is due to the power nutrition alone has in transforming your physique. However, many people find it very difficult to get their nutrition on point, and to be honest; it could get frustrating sometimes for people who have been going to the gym for quite a while now. Instead of making things difficult, you can simply divide your meals into portion sizes. People looking forward to losing weight should keep their meals protein-focused, while people looking for muscle building should increase the intensity of carbs in their meals.

How Does Dinnerly Help You In Pursuing Your Fitness Journey?

Cooking your meals needs time, and many people don’t have that. So, if you are someone who is new to the world of fitness and doesn’t have the time to put your focus on nutrition, then I would recommend you to get your meals from Dinnerly. It is a well-known site that delivers healthy frozen meals according to your preference. Moreover, the site is cost-effective and will help you in achieving your goals while maintaining your work life as well!

Eating unappetizing foods while following a particular diet is quite demotivating. Many fitness trainers would give the same secret plan that they have to their previous clients. But it is possible that you might not like what he has added to his diet plan and end up quitting the process. Dinnerly has got you all covered up on this one too. The site has some good news for you! Now you can eat the things that you love without sacrificing anything in your fitness journey.



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